Saturday, June 14, 2008

OK, so I am still learning about blogging and remembering to do it! I still love to read your blogs so keep them coming. I have had a very busy few months planning our Stake Young Womens Camp. I had no idea how much planning and work it takes to get 200 YW to camp and keep them busy and feed them!! I have wonderful women helping me so it will be great.

I am loving our new home and yard. I have a few tomato plants this year if I can keep the little critters away! I am using a wooden snake to help me with that!

Rog has been building a free standing patio out over the water shed area and it is really neat. He is amazing with woodworking and I get all the benefits. He is still working at FDM but is going to slow down a bit and just do training and testing for them instead of being a trouble shooter too.

I have so much fun with the grandchildren. They are the joy of my life. We even got to spend some time with Cy and Jen a few days ago. Jen's sister, Lisa, gave me a cute tile that says "we would have less spoiled children if we could spank Grandparents"! It is true but they are each my favorite and I love them. I get to spend lots of time with my favorite Brynlee, Luke, Issac, Seth, Anna, Dylan, and Taylor in person. I talk to my favorite Kennedy on the computer all the time and little Cy by phone most of the time. I am off to Italy on the 26th of July( the day after I get home from camp) to be there when Nat has the baby. I will stay a month and a half and Rog will join us for a couple of weeks in the middle.

I'm also looking forward to spending a few days with Claire and having a mini reunion with my other brothers and sisters in Logan. I also have a class reunion in the mix if I decide to go.

Life is just busy and that is good.