Saturday, June 14, 2008

OK, so I am still learning about blogging and remembering to do it! I still love to read your blogs so keep them coming. I have had a very busy few months planning our Stake Young Womens Camp. I had no idea how much planning and work it takes to get 200 YW to camp and keep them busy and feed them!! I have wonderful women helping me so it will be great.

I am loving our new home and yard. I have a few tomato plants this year if I can keep the little critters away! I am using a wooden snake to help me with that!

Rog has been building a free standing patio out over the water shed area and it is really neat. He is amazing with woodworking and I get all the benefits. He is still working at FDM but is going to slow down a bit and just do training and testing for them instead of being a trouble shooter too.

I have so much fun with the grandchildren. They are the joy of my life. We even got to spend some time with Cy and Jen a few days ago. Jen's sister, Lisa, gave me a cute tile that says "we would have less spoiled children if we could spank Grandparents"! It is true but they are each my favorite and I love them. I get to spend lots of time with my favorite Brynlee, Luke, Issac, Seth, Anna, Dylan, and Taylor in person. I talk to my favorite Kennedy on the computer all the time and little Cy by phone most of the time. I am off to Italy on the 26th of July( the day after I get home from camp) to be there when Nat has the baby. I will stay a month and a half and Rog will join us for a couple of weeks in the middle.

I'm also looking forward to spending a few days with Claire and having a mini reunion with my other brothers and sisters in Logan. I also have a class reunion in the mix if I decide to go.

Life is just busy and that is good.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We are really enjoying our new home. We love the views and all the little critters we see and we are having a good time decorating and making it comfy.

Our son in law has never seen our new home and I promised him some pictures so here they are.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh No! More Snow!!

It has been snowing every other day for the last three weeks. We had a big one Saturday and we are still digging out!! Roger was in Vancouver all last week and I was supposed to be with him but I got "bumped" off the flight which just means there was not an empty seat for me so I stayed home and shoveled and shoveled and shoveled snow. He arrived home Friday night just in time to shovel us out of the biggest storm we have had yet!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm a Blogger

Wow, it has been ten months now since we moved into our new home. We love it and even have the yard all landscaped. It looks great! The house decorating is a work in progress but I am having fun with it. Rog built some really neat shelves in the garage and when they filled up, Rog had a shed built for the garden tools and four wheeler. Grandma and Grandpa Stroud are all settled and we are really enjoying having them here.
I am finally getting settled in! This week I even got back to my old routine and even studied my scriptures and practiced the piano again. We are still figuring out everything. I am keeping very busy with Rog, Stake Girl's Camp, Grandma and Grandpa, kids and grandkids. I love being close to some of the Grandkids and really miss Kennedy and Cy. I told Rog I don't know how I had time to work!!
I am looking forward to a big adventure when I travel to Israel later this month. Before I go I will be cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for any takers and decorating for Christmas so Rog can enjoy it while I am gone.